Saturday, January 26, 2013

Natural Way To Keep Your Man Interested

Have you ever wondered why some women are as dispensable as a candy wrapper for some men and some women are able to keep their men like a puppy on a leash. Does it frustrate you that you are taken for granted by your man now? You are desperate to keep your man interested.

You long for what he used to be, where he puts you in a pedestal and he caters to your every whims. You get to conjecture why some women no matter how long they’ve been in a relationship, they are still being worshiped by their husband or boyfriend. There’s nothing wrong with you, you just need to know the ways on how to keep your man interested.

It’s not as hard as you think it is. The first you need to keep your man interested is to step outside of yourself for a moment and try to look at your husband or boyfriend objectively. The rationale for this is to look at your partner in a different perspective- a man, not as a lover.

If you look at him as a lover you will be influenced by your emotions and you cannot think straight. If you look at your lover as a man you will get to realize, he is no different from any another men. Have you heard the cliché that men are all the same- well it’s true.

They may have different ways of presenting themselves but in the core- all men are the same. Men want excitement- challenge- they always do and they always will. Why do you think they are so crazy about ball games and target shooting or hunting and climbing the peak of Mt.

Everest? It’s because men loves a challenge, they are genetically made to chase and to conquer but once you are conquered you will be displayed or mounted like a trophy. You will be one of the display items in his house- one of the furniture. This doesn’t mean he loves you less- it’s just that there’s nothing left to do when it comes to you.

So one way to keep you man interested in you is to always become a challenge. I don’t mean that you are going to be very hard and difficult for him to handle-there’s difference between a challenge and an annoyingly complicated person. To keep your man interested you have to learn to compartmentalize yourself.

Compartmentalizing yourself means differentiating the various aspect of yourself- your physical, your emotional, your mental and your spiritual self. He may have conquered your physical aspect but not your emotional aspect. He may have conquered the all of you but never allow him to own you or control you. Never let one aspect of yourself affect the other.

For example, he may have offended you emotionally by taking you for granted but never allow your mind or your mental aspect to stop functioning just because you are emotionally bruised. Keeping your sanity will help you rise above any situation. Another tactic to keep your man interested, is having a full control of your emotion- you know when to overwhelm him with emotions and know how to shut it off when he becomes upsetting.

Convey a subliminal message that you love and adore him but he can never affect you unless you want him to. If you can perfectly execute this- he will forever keep your man interested. You will become this unconquerable soul for him- always exciting and challenging yet very loving.

You can find additional info at the following links:

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